Un abrazo especial

Un abrazo especial - Mónica Chávez López - Instituto Prekop
Publisher name: 
Instituto Prekop

Like all children, Hugo sometimes got angry and then contented himself. But the thing was that he spent too much time angry. Many times he felt sad and did not know why. He had spent so much time with his anger that he no longer knew how to get rid of him. How I wish they would help him not to get so angry! During the therapy of containment, the mother contains the child through a hug, so that she can safely express all her feelings and finally come to love. This process is so intense that mother and son travel together and both have the right to say everything they need without restrictions or censorship. Once that bond has been restored, the child is confident that his mother will always be there to support him and will have the tools to follow only the path of his life with confidence. A special hug explains to the children how this process will be for them to walk through without ...read more


Book: Un abrazo especial

ISBN: 9786078200030
Precio de lista: $90.00
Descuento: 25%