

Confucius (551-479 BC), a name that comes from the phonetic transcription of Fou-Tseu K'ong ("Master Kong") lived in a time when China, divided into feudal states, undergoing a political and socially turbulent era. Confucius, member of the small traditional nobility of the State of Lu, he thought of getting to his country stability and order; A similar idea-the establishment of an "ideal state" - to Plato, a few years later in Greece. And just as the "philosopher-king" of Plato (427-347 BC), the ideal ruler Confucius was for the man who could be virtuous through culture and knowledge: the "superior man", the "main man "or" Knight. "In his travels around the country, chasing your dream, Confucius dragged behind some 3,000 faithful disciples, who after writing his dialogues with the Master in the Analects calls basis of thought was called "Confucianism" charge, which , along with Buddhism and Taoism, were the school principal thought in China, and it still is today China, Japan and Korea.