Francisco Viñals Carrera, Grafoanalista, jurist and criminologist, who was awarded the Cross of First Class (COMM) by the Ministry of Defense in recognition of his outstanding work as a teacher and advisor to the staff, being also a member of the AFAS Honor, is also professor Doctor of the World Association of jurists (organization for world peace). After training in psychoanalysis and deepen the work of Eric Berne and A. Vels, created together with Prof. Mariluz Puente, Graphoanalysis Transactional and moreover the test of truth based on graphology graphology Emotional Honroth, also graphology his contribution is remarkable about the correlation between the alteration of the oval points and topography grafoescritural Jensen iridology. In 1993 he founded the specialty of Calligraphic Judicial Expertise at the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law Chair at the Complutense University, Section Córdoba, moving these studies in 1996 at the UAB, where he now directs studies and Master of Forensic Graphology. Member of the International Police Association and a professor at the Police School of Catalonia and the EPSI-UAB. In a quarter century of close collaboration with the Administration of Justice case law has made important validates the technique so that graphology has received several awards and social distinctions such as being selected in 2003 in "Personatges de Catalunya" and included in Volume XIII of the Contemporary History of Catalonia.