(Tarragona, 1976) is a writer and doctor in Humanities at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, where he teaches contemporary literature and creative writing. He collaborates in various media in Spain and Latin America. He has published the essays Viaje contra espacio (2009), Teleshakespeare (2011) and Librerías (Finalist of the prize Anagram of Essay, 2013); And several travel books, such as The Compass (2006), GR-83 (2007), Australia (2008) and Travel Chronicle (2014). With the tourists - which can be read independently - concludes one of the most ambitious trilogies in the recent narrative, which began with Los muertos (prize of the Chambéry Festival: "First and prodigious novel", Jordi Costa, El País; "This is the literature of the future", Pedro Pujante, The storm in a glass) and continued with the orphans ( "It confirms the singular gifts and curiosity without. Limits of an author whose achievements live up to his ambition, "Juan Goytisolo, Babelia;" Asks questions and at the same time rehearses how to continue narrating in a twenty-first century saturated as never before with stories ", Antonio Lozano, Cultura / s de La Vanguardia), both novels published by Galaxia Gutenberg. The rights of the trilogy for French have already been acquired by the prestigious Seuil publishing house.