Karl Lehmann studied philosophy and theology, subjects that a PhD. In 1983, he was chosen and consecrated bishop of Mainz. He was elected president of the German Episcopal Conference in 1987, and reelected in 1993 and 1999. Since 1993 he is vice president of the Council of European Episcopal Conference. Parallel to his position as professor of theology and Bishop Karl Lehmann has been and remains committed to many other institutions and agencies among which the International Theological Commission of the Holy See in Rome, the Commission of the Faith of the German Episcopal Conference or the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. Since 1998 a member of the Congregation for Bishops. He holds the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of several universities such as the Catholic University in Washington DC and the Catholic University of Maynooth, Ireland. On January 28, 2001 was made a cardinal. Jürgen hoer, M.A. (Magister Artium) is director of the section kulturelle Wort / Aktuelle Kultur (cultural Word / Culture current) of the SWR 2 (Broadcasting of Southwest Germany) Baden-Baden.