Born in Barcelona in 1964, Montserrat Rico Góngora began to collaborate regularly in 1991 with the publication Alhora, in 1996 with the specialist publication Historia y Vida and in 2005 with the magazine Andalucía en la Historia. Later, she also did so with Meridiam -Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer-, Enigmas, Más Allá and Historia de Iberia Vieja, among others. As a novelist, she has published titles such as Cartas a Lucrecia (Plaza & Janés, 2000), Bajo un cielo morado (Edaf, 2004), La abadía profanada (Planeta, 2007) and Pasajeros de la Niebla (Ediciones B, 2009), with great critical and public success and translations into numerous languages. She has also frequently worked in the children's and young adult genre, with works such as La Hormiga Anibal (Toromítico, 2012). In 1998 she gave voice to Lorca's poems at the commemorative events held in Catalonia on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. In 2010 she provided historical advice and collaborated on one of the documentaries co-produced by the BBC in London and National Geographic, The Holy Grail, which reveals - thanks to the author's research - the most unusual episodes involving the Nazis in search of the Holy Grail. She currently actively participates in literary discussions and workshops held in public libraries and private centres to encourage reading and literary creation. With The City of Demons, Montserrat Rico Góngora won the 2nd Albert Jovell Novel Prize.