20 Batallas que cambiaron al mundo

20 Batallas que cambiaron al mundo - Sergio Valzania - Siruela
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 834.6 g
Hard cover

A book that in an entertaining and rigorous way allows us to better understand our present and invites us not to repeat the mistakes of the past. When two or more states decide to resort to arms, sometimes one of them does so with an advantage, but one thing is certain: entire populations will suffer extremely serious and, almost always, irreparable damage. This book collects twenty great battles that have been decisive in our history, from Antiquity to the 20th century, recounting the strategies of the victors and the mistakes of those who were defeated. The 20 Battles That Changed the World includes illustrations, photographs, maps and diagrams that reconstruct the movements of troops and armed forces in each battle.

Category: All >> Childish

Book: 20 Batallas que cambiaron al mundo

ISBN: 9788417996642
Precio de lista: $725.00
Descuento: 35%