Alicia a través del espejo

Alicia a través del espejo - Lewis Carroll - Axial Ediciones
Publisher name: 
Axial Ediciones

Alicia through the mirror is as funny, exciting and surprising as a game of chess, in which Alicia will overcome various obstacles as she crosses the boxes to finally become Queen Alice with the help of the White Knight. Inside the mirror there is an unreal world full of extravagant characters like Humpty Dumpty who celebrates his daily non-birthday and the White Queen who lives upside down. Who could say that this fantastic world, described by Lewis Carroll, is not the real world and that the world we know is only a deformed vision?

As we did with our previous title, Alice in Wonderland, in this edition we include an unpublished translation, which we accompany with the legendary illustrations that John Tenniel made, in 1870, at Carrol's own request.


Book: Alicia a través del espejo

ISBN: 9789688678831
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 25%