Augusto Bournonville

Historia y estilo

Augusto Bournonville - Elna Matamoros Ocaña - Akal
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 907.2 g
Soft cover

Augusto Bournonville, one of the architects of the resurgence of dance during Romanticism, left a legacy whose study is fundamental to understanding the technique of ballet. Heir to the argumentative dance of Noverre and Angiolini, and precursor of the splendor of Petipa's classicism, he was also a brilliant teacher who knew how to revolutionize the dancer's training throughout his almost fifty years of work in the Royal Ballet of Denmark. The Bournonville style, as it is known today, is a compendium of aesthetics, technique and methodology that allows the choreographies of the Danish creator to continue to be interpreted today with the same purity and rigor as in the 19th century. Thanks to the historical tour and the clear technical explanations that this book offers, accompanied by the photographs of the dancers Tamara Rojo and Sergio García, the reader will find here the more


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Book: Augusto Bournonville

ISBN: 9788446029670
Precio de lista: $1,400.00
Descuento: 20%