Aventuras en Venecia

Aventuras en Venecia - Giacomo Casanova - Atalanta
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Hard cover

Giacomo Casanova (1725–1798), a universal Venetian, maintained with his hometown a complex relationship, a mixture of passion and disencouments. In any case, Venice formed his tastes, his mentality and character. In this volume we see him move successively from being a sleattle and sick child to becoming an "answering" teenager, in the midst of rebellion against the authority of the elders, from his transformation into a smug desbate, which begins to make his beginnings in social life, to his fledgling encounters with fashionable courtesans and his first complete sexual experience with two young women.

The end of this apprenticeship will mark him the most celebrated of the events of his life: his imprisonment in los Plomos prison, from which he will flee so as not to return to his hometown until after eighteen years. This extraordinary journey is undoubtedly the greatest advent...read more


Book: Aventuras en Venecia

ISBN: 9788493846633
Precio de lista: $540.00
Descuento: 25%