Aventuras subterráneas de Alicia

Aventuras subterráneas de Alicia - Lewis Carroll - Olañeta
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Alice's Underground Adventures is the first version of Alice in Wonderland. Calligraphed and illustrated by Lewis Carroll himself, it directly conveys the joy of telling and reading wonderful stories to readers of all ages and backgrounds.

During a boat trip on the Thames in the company of the Liddell sisters, Lewis Carroll improvises a story that then, at the request of little Alicia Liddell, calligraphy and illustrates in a small notebook. This is how Alice's Underground Adventures was born, the first version of what would become one of the most famous fantasy stories in the world: Alice in Wonderland. There are numerous differences between the first and final versions: new episodes, deletion of personal references, change of paragraphs, objects, sentences and expressions, as well as numerous style corrections, without forgetting the illustrations, which in the later and publ...read more


Book: Aventuras subterráneas de Alicia

ISBN: 9788497167154
Precio de lista: $250.00
Descuento: 25%