Besos para los malditos

Besos para los malditos - Danny Miller - Siruela
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 530.7 g
Rustic with flaps

"Dark and enveloping."
Daily express

During the long Pentecost holiday weekend of 1964, bands of mods and rockers challenge each other in Brighton, southern England. Also arriving in town is the young and ambitious detective Vince Treadwell of the London Police. Vince has been removed from the capital by his superiors for obstructing the closure of an investigation, and has been sent to Brighton, his hometown, to deal with the macabre discovery of a decapitated, mutilated and wrapped in a tarp that has been on the beach. Along with the body a knife has been found that still has some fingerprints, and an anonymous call accuses Jack Regent (formerly Jacques Rinieri), a well-known gangster, head of the local Corsican mafia, who has disappeared without a trace. In the midst of this growing criminal tangle, Vince falls in love with Regent's girlfriend, the attractive and very more


Book: Besos para los malditos

ISBN: 9788416208340
Precio de lista: $910.00
Descuento: 35%