Breve historia del mundo contemporáneo

Desde 1776 hasta hoy

Breve historia del mundo contemporáneo - Juan Pablo Fusi - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

In the style of his Minimum History of Spain (2012), Juan Pablo Fusi covers in brief chapters the contemporary history of the world, its civil wars and its great conflagrations: since the American and French revolutions, the industrial revolution, the First World War, the revolution Soviet, fascism, the Spanish civil war, World War II, decolonization, the end of the predominance of Europe and the beginning of the era of globalization after the fall of the Berlin Wall until today. Contemplate the great transformations that have occurred in these almost 225 years in the economy, society, technology, science and culture in the different continents, drawing a complete fundamental panorama to understand the history of our time and the world in the We live today.The book includes maps, a chronology and a recommended bibliography.


Book: Breve historia del mundo contemporáneo

ISBN: 9788416495665
Precio de lista: $775.00
Descuento: 25%