Breve tratado para atacar la realidad

Breve tratado para atacar la realidad - Santiago Lopez Petit - Tinta Limón
Publisher name: 
Tinta Limón
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

This book is about one thing: reality. Our prominence, this reality that coincides with capitalism. Saying capitalist reality is therefore redundant. Today reality has become capitalist and leaves nothing out. We consider this reality made absolute, this self-unfolding of reality in its internal need, showing it as it is, and also how it works. By unveiling this truth, we gain numerous concepts, especially that of global mobilization, which serves to describe neoliberal globalization and which is laid as the true foundation of reality itself. Likewise, new definitions are advanced, such as democracy as an articulation of the war-state and postmodern fascism, or that of power as a therapeutic power. Reality, however, by separating itself from its unfolding, by leaving tautology, also shows us its weak points. In particular, it puts before our eyes the new social question: discomfort.


Book: Breve tratado para atacar la realidad

ISBN: 9789872518516