Breviario de campaña electoral

Breviario de campaña electoral - Quinto Tulio Cicerón - Acantilado
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Weight: 50 g

In the year 64 a. C., Marco Tulio Cicerón initiated the electoral campaign for the Roman consulate. His little brother, Quinto, took time to describe what tricks he had to use in order to win the fervor of the voters. The truth is that, in July 64, he obtained the unanimity of the centuries and the position he was running for, who knows if thanks to having put his brother's wise advice into practice. It is still curious that, twenty centuries later, the recommendations of the little Cicero are still surprisingly valid. Giulio Andreotti rightly observed that its author, when writing the letter we present today, “could not imagine that his brief treatise could be read more than two thousand years away and be extraordinarily interesting, not only as a historical and literary document, but also also due to a kind of unpredictable actuality in the events that it describes ”.


Book: Breviario de campaña electoral

ISBN: 9788496136182
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 25%