Cinco lecciones de amor proustiano

Cinco lecciones de amor proustiano - Estela Ocampo - Siruela
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Soft cover

This book constitutes a brilliant reconstruction of the phenomenology of love that Marcel Proust set out to carry out and is the result of Estela Ocampo's personal, passionate and intelligent reading of his literary work. Passion love, that inseparable love of sensuality and desire, defined as madness or suffering, and which Proust considered as the great spur of intelligence, is one of the fundamental themes that runs through the work of this classic of literature. Leaving it to be the very voice of the author of In Search of Lost Time that takes us into this reconstruction and considering the set of his writings as a unitary whole, Estela Ocampo systematizes the Proustian vision taking five great themes as a starting point: love , desire, jealousy, heartbreak and homosexual love.


Book: Cinco lecciones de amor proustiano

ISBN: 9788478449569
Precio de lista: $565.00
Descuento: 35%