Composiciones bajo tierra

Abstracción prehispánica en el arte reciente

Composiciones bajo tierra - Gerardo Pulido - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Rustic with flaps

Underground compositions address key aspects of prehispanic abstraction as they resonate at different times in modern and contemporary art. In this way, the Andean textiles, the garb of the selk'nam ceremonies, and the Nasca lines are approached in the light of the teaching and work of the German artist Josef Albers, the geometric abstraction of the early twentieth century, and the Land Art North American, respectively. The look behind these texts is not that of theorist or historian of art, but of the visual artist, so the interpretations we find are more risky, but also openly tentative, as should be any essay as such.
 Compositions under the Soil addresses key aspects of the pre-Hispanic abstraction and howit resonates in different periods of modern and contemporary art. Therefore the Andean textiles, the ceremonial Selk'nam attires, and the Nasca Lines are approached under more


Book: Composiciones bajo tierra

ISBN: 9789569843327