Dante y su obra

Dante y su obra - Ángel Crespo - Acantilado
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g

Ángel Crespo, author of one of the most celebrated verse translations of the Divine Comedy, himself a poet and astute critic, offers us a succinct and clear introduction to the life and work of this universal Florentine. In the prologue to the first edition of the study that concerns us, he stated: «Making a new book on Dante is a company whose risks we are not unaware of and which is encouraged, above all, by the scant critical attention that has been paid to it in the field of the Spanish language, as well as the legitimate desire to offer readers, even in a summarized way, the image that we have formed of the poet and his work during the long years of work that our translation of the Comedy into Spanish has entailed and the preparation of the versions of other Dantesque works ».


Book: Dante y su obra

ISBN: 9788493065782
Precio de lista: $410.00
Descuento: 25%