Dialogos sobre Mozart

Reflexiones sobre la actualidad de la música

Dialogos sobre Mozart - Nikolaus Harnoncourt - Acantilado
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 439.4 g

Dialogues on Mozart brings together the reflections of Nikolaus Harnoncourt in interviews and texts for recordings or concert programs, which the publisher groups into three parts: one dedicated to the difficulty of musical interpretation understood as a dialogue between the composer and the musician; another to the specific challenges posed by the enigmatic figure of Mozart and his work to the interpreters of our century; and one last dedicated to comment in detail the Mozartian operas that Harnoncourt tackled throughout his career: Idomeneo, Lucio Sila, Tito's Clemency, The Rapture in the Seraglio, The Magic Flute, The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and Così fan tutte. Throughout the various texts, Harnoncourt, passionate and surprising, clarifies some misunderstanding about his "historicist" work, bequeaths to the young interpreters innumerable keys to understanding the importanc...read more


Book: Dialogos sobre Mozart

ISBN: 9788416011766
Precio de lista: $840.00
Descuento: 25%