Domingo de summertime

Domingo de summertime - Itzel Guevara del Ángel - Paraíso Perdido
Publisher name: 
Paraíso Perdido
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

In Domingo de summertime, Itzel Guevara profiles ten protagonists of different ages and occupations who gather around anxiety, emotional insecurity and nostalgia: hairy sisters who share everything, a housewife who rejoices in her efficiency, a florist who aspires to be like Lady Di, a young disciple of Janis Joplin , a commentator whose mother is ill, a vulnerable and underspersed writer.

This book is a journey through unease, it is to live in distant cities, to feel the weight of loneliness and distance, it is a constant vertigo to the edge of nothingness, and although some of its characters yield to adversity, there are also those who resign thegeon, those who accept their sadness as sacrifice and offer it to love.

Because of the emotions suffered by the protagonists, and because it is a compilation of stories related to machismo, harassment, abuse and depression, more


Book: Domingo de summertime

ISBN: 9786078646388
Precio de lista: $170.00
Descuento: 15%