Dulce como un pepinillo, limpio como un cerdito

Dulce como un pepinillo, limpio como un cerdito - Carson McCullers - Siruela
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Weight: 281 g

A wonderful collection of short poems for younger readers to enjoy by one of the great American authors of the 20th century.

In 1964, Carson McCullers published Sweet as a Pickle, Clean as a Piglet almost by chance, when his editor, Joyce Hartman, came across several of the poems and asked to see more.

In the twenty poems in this bilingual edition, the prestigious author shows in a fresh and emotional way the look of the little ones full of innocence, amazement and joy, as well as her ability to question what adults take for granted.

The delicate and fun illustrations by Rolf Gérard, acclaimed German painter and set designer, capture the essence of dreaming and contemplation with which McCullers evokes reality in these verses.


Category: All >> Childish

Book: Dulce como un pepinillo, limpio como un cerdito

ISBN: 9788417996680
Precio de lista: $575.00
Descuento: 25%