El ciclista solitario

El ciclista solitario - Ramón Bodegas - Siruela
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 357 g
Rustic with flaps

Cosmés is an immature and endearing man, a kind being who fails to understand the world around him, a lonely, tireless cyclist, who crosses the valleys, mountains and meadows, without understanding that his continuous pedaling is nothing more than a buried desire to flee from the world, from people and, perhaps, from himself. He is accompanied, among others, by an elderly and promiscuous millionaire, a polyglot Buddhist who fills the city with graffiti to overcome his shyness, a former existentialist miss, a Brazilian painter in love with an immensely obese Togolese, an eternal Leonese cook student of English, a Gabonese bullfighter, a collector of paintings and a cloistered nun who is a faithful follower of the news from the magazines at heart. The lonely cyclist is made up of helpless and melancholy beings whose lives revolve between passions, abandonments and reunions, accompanied ...read more


Book: El ciclista solitario

ISBN: 9788478446643
Precio de lista: $695.00
Descuento: 35%