El diablo de los números

El diablo de los números - Hans Magnus Enzensberger - Siruela
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A Robert does not like mathematics, as happens to many people, because just not understand. But one night he dreams of a little devil that seeks to initiate him into the science of numbers. Naturally, Robert thinks it is another of his frequent nightmares, but actually is the beginning of a new and exciting journey through the world of mathematics. Is not it strange always find numerical sequences by simple multiplication of about 1 x 1 = 1, 11 x 11 = 121, 111111 x 111111 = 12345654321, and so on? And this is just the simplest operation. For twelve nights, Robert dreams of increasingly unbelievable number systems. Suddenly, the numbers come alive for themselves, a mysterious life that even the devil can fully explain. Math had never been so fascinating. Soon, the devil will leave school topics and make access to higher levels: and still understands! And the young reader too. The numbe...read more


Book: El diablo de los números

ISBN: 9788415937265
Precio de lista: $335.00
Descuento: 25%