El incendio milenarista

El incendio milenarista -  AA.VV. - Pepitas de calabaza
Publisher name: 
Pepitas de calabaza
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 589.7 g
Rustic with flaps

Here we have, finally, the first attempt to elucidate the millenarian experiences of Christian inspiration that, in addition to attesting to the diversity and consistency of these movements, denounces without mercy the prejudices that until today have blurred their meaning. The millenarian revolts, buried for a long time in oblivion, exert a fascination in our time on different intellectual specialties - history, sociology, anthropology and even literature - which, however, is not exempt from certain rejection. The authors set out to do justice to the modernity of the millenarian aspirations -compendium of the experience of all humanity-, from the "tumults" and "fears" that agitated cities and towns at the end of the Middle Ages to the movements that emerged in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in territories that the logic of the State and money had not yet colonized. An experie...read more

Category: All >> History >> History General

Book: El incendio milenarista

ISBN: 9788493636722
Precio de lista: $720.00
Descuento: 25%