El libro blanco

El libro blanco - Jean Cocteau - Cabaret Voltaire
Publisher name: 
Cabaret Voltaire
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The white paper is the psychological portrait of a tormented man to whom each of his sentimental adventures opens a painful wound in his soul, because his drama comes not only from his extreme sensitivity, but also, and because of this, from being unable to satisfy your desire without affecting your heart too. As he adds in his foreword, “The heart is one thing. Sex is a different one. Certain objects disturb the first, others awaken the second, without the intervention of the intellect.” In short, "A vice in society turns my rectitude into a vice", this is how the protagonist summarizes the narration from his childhood to his maturity in a world of conventions and social injustices that lead him to question his identity through a conflict between moral and senses, reason and sexuality. Illustrated with 18 color drawings by Cocteau himself.


Book: El libro blanco

ISBN: 9788493764340
Precio de lista: $900.00
Descuento: 25%