El loro de Flaubert

El loro de Flaubert - Julian Barnes - Anagrama
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Hard cover

"A display of great technical audacity and elegant virtuosity, at the service of a very pleasant plot in which fiction alternates with very imaginatively ordered real events. A book that has had an extraordinary success, both in criticism and sales, and has received numerous awards.

This novel is not only about the parrot that appeared in A Simple Heart, but also about railways and bears; from France and England; of life and art; of sex and death; George Sand and LouiseColet; of the (hated) scholars of Flaubert's work and of the virtues of the "amateur" reader. And all this from the pen of an enigmatic narrator, Dr. Braithwaite, passionate about Flaubert, whose life and secrets are progressively revealed to us.

"Delicious and enriching. A book to party with him! » (Joseph Heller)

«A jewel: a literary novel that is not ashamed of being one, nor of being legible and...read more


Book: El loro de Flaubert

ISBN: 9788433928382
Precio de lista: $270.00
Descuento: 10%