El misterio de las hadas

El  misterio de las hadas - Arthur Conan Doyle - Olañeta
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Soft cover

In 1917, two girls from a village in England claimed to have seen fairies and, to prove it, presented photographs that caused such a shock that, from that moment on, numerous experts and specialists used them to defend their theories. One of those who most vehemently considered was Arthur Conan Doyle, then already known for his police novels, who set out, as an inspector in routine cases, to gather evidence to document the case. Of course Conan Doyle wanted to provide the general public with evidence for fairies. The writer who, after the tragic death of several of his relatives, had abandoned Catholicism to become confessed to spiritualism, gathered all possible testimonies, from letters, photos, statements of people and theosophical theories, to show the reader the evidence of a phenomenon without a doubt surprising. That this extraordinary phenomenon could be captured through the t...read more


Book: El misterio de las hadas

ISBN: 9788497162203
Precio de lista: $410.00
Descuento: 25%