El potomak

El álbum de los Eugenes de la guerra

El potomak - Jean Cocteau - Cabaret Voltaire
Publisher name: 
Cabaret Voltaire
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

This first novel by Jean Cocteau from 1919, still unpublished in Spanish, is a true transgressive experiment and meant his birth as a writer. Cocteau offers us a montage of texts, accompanied by a hundred drawings with surprising lines and cubist inspiration. In this particular graphic novel, Cocteau presents us with a work populated by fabulous, enigmatic and unreal beings, some of whom are terrifyingly cruel: the bloodthirsty and voracious Eugènes who devour a naive and gentrified newlyweds, the Mortimers; the crocodile that "bites Odilia", in a poem recited by the Pharynx, another strange creature; the Minotaur who invites Theseus to visit him and keep him company; and, of course, the Potomak, that enigmatic monster that lives in an aquarium located in the basements of the church of La Madeleine.


Book: El potomak

ISBN: 9788494035326
Precio de lista: $695.00
Descuento: 25%