En lo profundo del mar

En lo profundo del mar - George Steiner - Siruela
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 599 g
Rustic with flaps

In the deep sea collects the best works of fiction by George Steiner, a compendium of all the recurring themes that have guided the trajectory of the great master of the essay.
The stories gathered in this collection have been referred to by George Steiner as "an act of remembrance," a series of pieces that, regardless of the setting in which they unfold — the depths of the Pacific or the jungles of the Amazon, the Poland of the death camps or the Italy after the fall of communism—, commit themselves over and over again with the same underlying ideas: inhumanity at the heart of culture and the enigma of language and its power to consecrate or destroy men and worlds .
Stealthily prose, extremely rich in references and a captivating style, Steiner, always convinced of the writer's moral task, lucidly reflects on the crisis of values ​​caused by historical circumstances and t...read more


Book: En lo profundo del mar

ISBN: 9788416854073
Precio de lista: $1,120.00
Descuento: 35%