Esto no es una canción de amor

Esto no es una canción de amor - Abril Posas - Paraíso Perdido
Publisher name: 
Paraíso Perdido

Abril Posas presents us with a story from the eyes of a thirty-year-old who works as a publicist, rides her bike, fights on Twitter, sings in a cover band and, in short, is the black sheep of the family.

With the acid humor that characterizes her, Posas gives us in this novel a melancholic journey through the music, movies and life of the nineties, and she makes us reflect, together with her protagonist, on adult life and her ups and downs ; about anger, bewilderment and discomfort; on the social, financial and gender constraints learned by an entire generation, and how these can be combated with karaoke, internet battles and a punk concert.

«For those of us who know and admire the narrative of Abril Posas, the arrival of her first novel fills us with joy. A short but intense novel, in which the author gives us the perfect dose of humor and sadness that we need to see more


Book: Esto no es una canción de amor

ISBN: 9786078646630
Precio de lista: $195.00
Descuento: 15%