Guía de las obras maestras corales

Guía de las obras maestras corales - Michael Steinberg - Alianza editorial
Publisher name: 
Alianza editorial
Year of publication: 

This Guidebook offers more than fifty essays on choral masterpieces spanning the history of classical music to contemporary composers. Each one vividly describes the time of each composer and the circumstances that led him to write his choral works, with fascinating biographical details of its genesis. This is followed by both the overall architecture of the work and its detailed musical analysis, which will be valuable for lovers of choral music, amateurs and professionals. It also includes basic information such as the movements of each work, the organization of the choir and the orchestra and brief historical notes on their first performances. His erudition and his ability to present it in clear and accessible terms will make this Guide an indispensable reading to improve our understanding and appreciation of choral music.


Book: Guía de las obras maestras corales

ISBN: 9788420687643