Hermanos Grimm

Edición anotada

Hermanos Grimm - Hermanos Grimm - Akal
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«This is the book that, in my childhood, I wanted and did not have; the book that I would have liked to give to my children and keep for myself, the book that I will give to my grandchildren. "

A. S. Byatt, in the Introduction

The Bicentennial Edition of the Brothers Grimm Tales commemorates the richness and dramatic power of these legendary tales - so well known - in the most spectacular volume published to date. Of all the innumerable collections of fairy tales that exist throughout the world, few are better known than those that gathered, two centuries ago, two German brothers -Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm- in their Tales for Children and Children. home, first published in 1812. Now, in this bicentennial edition, Maria Tatar presents a selection of the stories in a luxurious format and with great visual power, with the aim of reconfiguring our understanding of these timele...read more


Book: Hermanos Grimm

ISBN: 9788446049890
Precio de lista: $1,470.00
Descuento: 20%