Historia del feminismo

Historia del feminismo - Juan Sisinio Pérez Garzón - Catarata
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Soft cover

The conquest of equality for women is an ongoing process. It has elapsed between constant obstacles. Today, in democratic countries, equality is largely accepted. However, inescapable questions remain to be resolved, as set out in this book. That is why it is necessary to know the history of a sociopolitical movement as decisive as feminism. The word feminism still arouses quite a few misgivings; there are resistance to women shaking up inequalities imposed by a patriarchal way of social organization. However, without the contributions of feminism, we cannot understand our past or our present. Thanks to feminism, freer and more equal societies have been built. However, in all cases, women have been and are the protagonists of a story that is fair to revalue. Hence, this book, prologated by Amelia Valcárcel, a feminist of the highest authority, has been elaborated with teaching eagerne...read more


Category: All >> Social sciences >> Gender

Book: Historia del feminismo

ISBN: 9788490974452
Precio de lista: $795.00
Descuento: 25%