Historias de cine

Relatos que inspiraron grandes películas

Historias de cine -  AA.VV. - Siruela
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 821 g

The stories of the great masters of literature that gave rise to the most unforgettable works of the seventh art.

The Birds, Rashomon, Le plaisir, Tales of the Pale Moon, La paura, Them and Them, The Man Who Killed Liberty Valance, An Immortal Story, Une femme douce, Dubliners, Prosecution Witness

The different evocative power of words and images is what mainly differentiates the compositional discourses of literature and cinema. Although, by its concrete nature, the seventh art is incapable of using the suggestive capacity of writing, true cinematographic fiction always finds a way to metamorphose itself and, through its own language, set itself up as a totally new and autonomous creation, without This renounces the spirit of the original narration.

This exquisite anthology gathers eleven stories - preceded by a brief introduction to the text and its film adaptat...read more


Book: Historias de cine

ISBN: 9788417041564
Precio de lista: $890.00
Descuento: 35%