Historias de madres, historias con madre

Crónicas del maternaje

Historias de madres, historias con madre - Alicia Caldera - Paraíso Perdido
Publisher name: 
Paraíso Perdido

«It is possible that the reader of this book on experiences and perceptions of a group of women mothers about motherhood or their motherhood will be surprised that it is prefaced by a male ... or a" bastard ", as that colleague said. For our sexist common sense, a book by and about women should only contain reflections, experiences and perspectives of women. Beyond appearances, we are still anchored in the stereotypical conception according to which women should take care of women's things, and so men.

In the book we are dealing with, a group of women mothers narrate the slow and accelerated, joyous and anguishing process by which they learned to become mothers. There are many meeting points between the narratives, but each one is particular. They are all mothers but there are as many ways to be a mother as there are women who are. Motherhood is one and multiple. "

—Ducange Médor


Book: Historias de madres, historias con madre

ISBN: 9786078098743