Instrumentos y regímenes de Cooperación Internacional

Instrumentos y regímenes de Cooperación Internacional - Fernando Mariño Menéndez - Trotta
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This work aimed at college students, is divided into seven major themes that comprise the core areas of contemporary international legal order, which founded and directed, among contradictions, towards the realization of the great universal values ​​of peace and respect the dignity of the person.

In our age of globalization those nuclei are undergoing profound change processes driven by the redevelopment of the system of centers of power within the international society and global search, and as awkward groping by the international community of instruments and systems global and regional governance.

The authors look at the rigor and intellectual challenge exposure of students to a world in which old certainties are disappearing and we need to renew the intelligence to the new while respecting the permanent principles.


Book: Instrumentos y regímenes de Cooperación Internacional

ISBN: 9788498793567
Precio de lista: $605.00
Descuento: 25%