La capacitación psicológica del médico

La capacitación psicológica del médico -  AA.VV. - Gedisa
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Weight: 13.1 g

This book is a milestone in the field of medical education literature. Describe in detail the "graduate program for practicing medical psychology" The program, developed fourteen years ago by Dr. Michael Balint in the famous London Tavistock Clinic is unique in its kind. One of the highlights of this program is the method of mutual selection by the aspirant and didactic are chosen or rejected at each other. In the initial interview both have a chance to take each other to the test, before a decision is made. The effectiveness of the method is tested by applying a scale designed to measure the performance of the physician. The experience, backed by many years of strict application in Tavistock shows that only some psychiatrists used to train colleagues and only some of them are able to receive this training


Book: La capacitación psicológica del médico

ISBN: 8474322138
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 20%