La herencia del Dios perdido

La herencia del Dios perdido - Peter Sloterdijk - Siruela
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 476.3 g

“The awareness of the increase in sunsets is due to the understanding of the present as a time of increasing complexity and complications. We are no longer just dealing with this or that decline of the gods, which gave mythologists, theologians and artists pause. If the sunsets of gods are followed by a development of inventive cultures as such, it is easy to suppose that the coming sunsets will not stop at the mysteries of human inventiveness either.

In the second volume of Spheres, Globes, which describes globalization from its beginnings to its preliminary development in the late 20th century, Peter Sloterdijk identifies God as the primary source that provides security and protection to man. This assumption, valid in all religions - at least in monotheistic ones - generates paradoxes that had devastating consequences from the Middle Ages to the Modern more


Book: La herencia del Dios perdido

ISBN: 9788417996543
Precio de lista: $905.00
Descuento: 25%