La isla de Bali

La isla de Bali - Miguel Covarrubias - Olañeta
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Weight: 816.5 g
Soft cover

An excellent painter and draftsman of the first category ethnographer, Miguel Covarrubias discovered Bali in the 1930s. Accompanied by his wife, he resided for two years on the island and later published this extraordinary book, unique, on the one hand, hand that provides on all aspects of Balinese life and culture and, on the other hand, for its magnificent illustrations, which faithfully reflect a world of paradisiacal beauty. The island of Bali, by Miguel Covarrubias, is an almost legendary book on this beautiful island of the ancient Dutch East Indies. This book, originally written in English and first published in New York in 1937, remains for many the most authoritative work on the luminous island of Bali and its fascinating settlers. It is a very pleasant and ductile text that includes in its captivating development the history, geography, social structure of Bali, its daily more


Book: La isla de Bali

ISBN: 9788497167529
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 25%