La misa del ateo

La misa del ateo - Hornoré de Balzac - Olañeta
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Book size:
Weight: 771.1 g
Soft cover

A little-read story by Balzac, in a sense a rarity within the impressive monument of The Human Comedy, which nevertheless contains the quintessence of the qualities of the narrative of its author. Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850), author of The Human Comedy, one of the most ambitious literary projects in European narrative, shared his great novelistic frieze in several "sectors" that will constitute, on the one hand, the "scenes" private life, Parisian life, provinces, etc.) and, on the other hand, "studies", which focus on the inner, intellectual and spiritual lives of its protagonists. The mass of the atheist was integrated in the Philosophical Studies and later in the Scenes of the, Parisian life, and this is explained by its character at the same time of philosophical and psychological study and by its Parisian atmosphere. Horace Bianchon, disciple of the celebrated surgeon Desplein, more


Book: La misa del ateo

ISBN: 9788497169431
Precio de lista: $305.00
Descuento: 25%