La música del siglo XX

Una historia del estilo musical en la Europa y la América modernas

La música del siglo XX - Robert P. Morgan - Akal
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In this volume, Robert Morgan traces with great success the picture of the various currents that have characterized the art of music of the twentieth century. The work is organized in three main parts - Beyond the tonality: From 1900 until the First World War; Reconstruction of new systems: The inter-war period; And Innovation and Fragmentation: From World War II to the present. Each part begins with a chapter describing the intellectual and social climate of that moment, providing essential information to understand the transformations that took place in music. In addition, throughout the text, there are analyzes of some works, as well as a great amount of illustrations and musical examples.


Category: All >> Music >> History and antiquity

Book: La música del siglo XX

ISBN: 9788446003687
Precio de lista: $1,600.00
Descuento: 20%