La música romántica

La música romántica - Leon Plantinga - Akal
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Weight: 1043.3 g

Speaking of Romanticism is a difficult task, not because of the large number of ideas that broke into the most convulsive moment of all musical history, when classic forms begin to remain small in front of the new ideals of freedom and creativity soak the paper laid down of the great names of universal music of this time, but precisely because of the characters that came into play from different points of view and with different roles. The best way to get closer to Romanticism musical Beethoven continues with Brahms, and this is opposed to Listz, whose daughter Cosima was married to the great director Hans von Bülow and then leave for another great figure of the nineteenth century: Richard Wagner. With the above, anyone can get an idea of ​​what it means, simply at the level of dates and names, the maelstrom that was the nineteenth century musical, from the premiere of the first more


Category: All >> Music >> History and antiquity

Book: La música romántica

ISBN: 9788446041696
Precio de lista: $980.00
Descuento: 20%