La vida en los bosques

Recuerdos de infancia de un indio sioux

La vida en los bosques - Charles A. Eastman - Olañeta
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Soft cover

Childhood memories of a Sioux Indian who could still grow and be educated in an environment full red skin. A free life in the midst of a grandiose nature, all evoked with the strength and lyricism of authentic experience.

Charles Eastman (1858- 1939), but had part of European blood, born and raised among Wahpeton Sioux. His maternal grandfather was a known white artist and both his maternal great-grandfather and his father were important sioux chiefs. Until the age of fifteen, he lived a full Indian life, away from any contact with the white world, a life of nomadic hunters and warriors. His education corresponded therefore a kind of traditional life disappeared long ago. After joining the white world, Eastman (or Ohiyesa, its Indian name) followed the usual studies and reached a degree in medicine, activity exercised in the Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation, at all times helping more


Book: La vida en los bosques

ISBN: 9788476510261
Precio de lista: $365.00
Descuento: 25%