Lo mejor que sé decir sobre la música

Lo mejor que sé decir sobre la música - Robert Walser - Siruela
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Hard cover

The texts on music collected in this volume reveal once again the brilliant Swiss author as a master of subtlety, polyphony and permanent vital questioning.

"When I don't listen to music, I'm missing something, but when I listen to it, it's when I'm really missing something. This is the best I can say about music". For Robert Walser, music was not only something beautiful and authentic, but also something incredibly subversive that, as distinct from language, opposed the limitation of conventions. Hence, his work reflects a great affinity with the most varied sound universes and his style displays a very measured tempo and playful rhythmic pranks. The stories, poems and prose texts gathered here present impressively lucid pictures and reflections on musical art and the most distinguished composers, performers and works. But Walser would not be Walser if his idea of ​​music did ...read more


Category: All >> Music >> Theory

Book: Lo mejor que sé decir sobre la música

ISBN: 9788417860059
Precio de lista: $770.00
Descuento: 25%