Lo que somos de los clásicos

Espej(ism)os de la Antigüedad

Lo que somos de los clásicos - Paula Arizmendi Mar - Ibero
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

What happens when the classic is rethought from the contemporary perspective, and vice versa? What of our modern paradigms do we have to destructure and reconstruct to understand the ancient? Using deliberately anachronistic strategies, the texts in this book aim to analyze and, at the same time, conceive metonymies, metaphors and analogies in the experiences of contemporary societies, from certain angles that shed new lights, not only on Antiquity, but, at the same time, also about our time. And in the face of the unpublished or hackneyed phenomena that afflict our current times, a certain treatment of the classic can shed a theoretical lucidity rarely seen, as well as allow an unraveling of that which overwhelms us so much and that, nevertheless, from the current situations would seem to remain unanswered. Hence, this work, while it breaks down the tense and prolific link of our pre...read more


Book: Lo que somos de los clásicos

ISBN: 9786074179521
Precio de lista: $230.00
Descuento: 10%