Los ángeles feroces

Los ángeles feroces - José Ovejero - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 580 g
Hard cover

You are entering a world like yours. There will be some things that will miss you, but it may be because they are not new, but because you have gotten so used to them that you no longer see them. " It is a world that seems about to fall apart, like yours. And in it Alegría has to survive, a young woman whose blood is particularly valuable, because she neither gets sick nor gets old. This has been realized by Cástor, a politician in low hours who knows that he has to offer something new, something with which to excite his voters again. But the Fool has also discovered that Alegría's blood is special; and he has promised Santa Muerte, of whom he is a worshiper, that he is going to put an end to that sacrilege that she could live forever. But be careful: “this is not an adventure novel. There will be no heroic actions, hectic rhythm, bizarre endings. Things happen as they happen to you, ...read more


Book: Los ángeles feroces

ISBN: 9788416252961
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 25%