Los elixires del diablo

Los elixires del diablo - Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann - Olañeta
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The complex invisible universe of madness, starring in a chilling novel, a masterpiece of father of fantasy literature.

E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776-1822), whose versatile genius led him to cultivate painting, music and literature, left a personal stamp literary work. His flamboyant and original talent unexplored paths opened in the literature, and his spirit possessed by a strange hypersensitivity allowed him to deepen with extraordinary lucidity in the most unusual and dark states of the human mind.

The Devil's Elixirs reflects the author's interest for the occult, hypnotic and telepathic phenomena. In the chilling novel -relato destination Medardo Capuchin friar appear all themes and obsessions that we find in his stories: the anguish, loss or splitting of the self, replacing personality, triggering the internal forces that lie in the depths of man, the vertigo of hallucinat...read more


Book: Los elixires del diablo

ISBN: 9788497163781
Precio de lista: $500.00
Descuento: 25%