Los evangelios de la rabia

Los evangelios de la rabia - Rafael Medina - Paraíso Perdido
Publisher name: 
Paraíso Perdido

«The city overflowing with traffic, labyrinth, melted into the asphalt, full of prophets. Men shouting against gods who forgive, subjects who on every corner redeem the world, girls with stigmata, infants who spread plagues, apparitions that harass, psychiatrists who write gospels full of anger, fear, and of course, rage. Rafael Medina's characters offer another look, scathing, brimming with black humor, of how powerful religious symbols can be. The stories in this book are prophecies of the human condition, of its attempt to safeguard sanity in the face of a divinity and a terrible world. "

—Castulo Aceves


Book: Los evangelios de la rabia

ISBN: 9786078098644