Maneras de escribir y ser/No ser madre

Maneras de escribir y ser/No ser madre -  AA.VV. - Paraíso Perdido
Publisher name: 
Paraíso Perdido
Year of publication: 

The fourteen voices that coincide in this book establish an intergenerational dialogue about the idea of ​​maternity and non-maternity centers in the face of creative work. How do we live the intersection of motherhood / literature, who decided to be mothers and who did not? The authors of these chronicles give an account of the way in which they have had to face the myths of motherhood and artistic work: mothers as incomplete writers, writers who are not mothers as incomplete women, the profession of writing as a labor that it takes place in isolation or the famous "ivory tower" where the writer waits to be touched by the muse. The intention of this volume is to demolish these myths from the diversity of their stories. One of the themes on which the various views present in this book converge is that of care work, which has always been precarious and feminized; Furthermore, during more

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Maneras de escribir y ser/No ser madre

ISBN: 9786078646753
Precio de lista: $260.00
Descuento: 15%