Mejor la ausencia

Mejor la ausencia - Edurne Portela - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 379.9 g
Hard cover

Growing up always involves some form of violence, against oneself or against those who want to impose their authority. When in addition life passes in a town on the left bank of the Nervión during the 80s and 90s, and everything is heroin, unemployment, environmental debris, when in the streets the rubber balls and tear gas whistle every week and the walls are Filled with murderous slogans, violence is not just a personal problem. Better the absence presents us with a destroyed family, crossed by the violence of their environment. Amaia, the youngest of four brothers, narrates that brutal environment from her gaze as a child and adolescent. We share with her his fear, his perplexity, his rage, before a father who hurts, a mother who hides, three brothers who, like her, only seek to get ahead. Amaia is the young woman who faces, until reaching her own limits, this hostile world. Amaia more


Book: Mejor la ausencia

ISBN: 9788417088125
Precio de lista: $595.00
Descuento: 25%